In the Now,

there are 6 Realms

Your Game Comes with:

1: Karma Against Ignorance Pouch for storing boards and tokens.

1: Buddhist Inspired Wheel of Dharma bandana.

48: double-sided circle tokens with a mix of images.

1: 6 sided dice.

  • This Song gives a good overview of the importance of play in spiritual life.

    Play Now

  • The authors of a new book say the traditional view of play and learning is a “false dichotomy” and that relegating play to the sidelines in schools is a mistake. Learning is helped by "experiences that are playful — that are joyful, meaningful, actively engaging, iterative, and socially interactive,” and school really can be enjoyable they explain in

    A Pedagogy of Play - Supporting Playful Learning in Classrooms and Schools

    The user-friendly bookis the result of eight years of research led by a team at the Harvard Graduate School of Education’s Project Zero (PZ), in collaboration with the LEGO Foundation and educators at schools in Denmark, South Africa, Colombia, and the United States.